Parish News 2022
Newton Toney Wiltshire village image

Groundwater Update

Over the past 2 weeks groundwater has appeared in the Granville borehole and is now 15' 7" (4.75m) below ground level (lower than at this time last year). Rainfall recorded at Larkhill so far this month is 20.5mm (23% LTA)

Next report due: w/b 2-Jan-2023


LTA: Long-term average percentage (%) : the monthly rain total as a percentage of the monthly climatological average from the Met office

QMF: Groundwater level at Queen Manor Farm, Idmiston. This is an automated measure reported several times daily. It is measured as metres above sea-level and is only approximately correct to the graph scale. It is used as an early indicator of trends in rate of rise of groundwater.

Past years references:

2021-22 Last year's figures are shown in the thin green line

2013-14 (thin blue) was the highest groundwater level recorded in recent times"

Groundwater reports are in our Environment Section of the Document Library.

30 December 2022
Groundwater Update

January has been drier than average with only 30.6mm rainfall recorded at Boscombe Down to date (26/1/22). This represents 41% of the long term average for January. The groundwater will have changed only a little so I will hold off reporting the groundwater level until next Tuesday (1st February).


LTA: Long-term average percentage (%) : the monthly rain total as a percentage of the monthly climatological average from the Met office.

QMF: Groundwater level at Queen Manor Farm, Idmiston. This is an automated measure reported several times daily. It is measured as metres above sea-level and is only approximately correct to the graph scale. It is used as an early indicator of trends in rate of rise of groundwater.

Next report due: w/b 01-Feb-2022

Recent Groundwater reports are in our Environment Section of the Document Library.

27 January 2022
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